RiVidium Base Background Cost Avoidance

Our Cost Control Toolset

Saving our client’s money through cost avoidance


RiVidium assists with cost-benefit analysis and other cost saving solutions.

Cost Avoidance image

Why go with RiVidium for your project management needs? We can think of many reasons, but we will give you one - perhaps the most important reason: “By using RiVidium, you will benefit by saving money on your projects.”

When evaluating whether to undertake an effort, many leaders and decision makers conduct a cost-benefit analysis. This process involves identifying and listing the potential costs of the undertaking as well as the expected benefits of the undertaking. When discussing the value and importance of change management, a cost-benefit analysis can be a powerful framework. RiVidium can assist with your cost-benefit analysis and we can quantify the reasons why your organization should take the appropriate, recommended path expressed in relation to the many changes in the program life-cycle.

When changes are poorly managed, there are real and tangible costs to the organization. When change management is applied effectively, these costs can be minimized or altogether avoided. Some of the costs are difficult to quantify - such as morale decline - but some of the costs are very concrete and easily quantified. One way to characterize the benefits of change management is as a cost avoidance mechanism.

Avoid costs to the organization if change is poorly managed:

  • Productivity plunges (deep and sustained)
  • Impact on customers
  • Impact on suppliers
  • Loss of valued employees
  • Morale decline
  • Decline in quality of work
  • Resistance (both active and passive)
  • History of failed change
  • Stress, confusion, fatigue
  • Change saturation

Avoid costs to the project if change is poorly managed:

  • Project delays
  • Missed milestones
  • Project put on hold
  • Resources not made available to project team
  • Budget overruns
  • Obstacles appear unexpectedly
  • Rework required on project design
  • Project fails to deliver on objectives
  • Project is fully abandoned
  • Loss of work by project team

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